Do you need to get your resumé in shape?
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Does your resumé need a tune up?  Has it been a while since you've dusted off your resumé ? Are you unsure if your resumé is connecting with employers?

For more than 20 years, I have worked with senior, mid and entry level job seeking professionals to help refine, re-calibrate and redesign their resumés.  I have witnessed firsthand the change in a job seeker’s confidence and motivation when they are proud of their resumé.

The resumé is your main job seeking branding document.  A well-written and tightly-formatted resumé will connect your skills, experience and accomplishments to the job you are applying and will give the employer that ‘ah-ha!’ moment that compels them to contact you for an interview.

Job seekers who are confident about their resumé are also confident about the other touch points in their job search.  They can talk easily about their skills and experiences during interviews.  Their cover letters are written to the connected and relevant achievements on their resumés.  Their job search itself is LASER FOCUSED based on their resumés.

While there is no question that the job seeking process has changed dramatically in the recent past, the basic function of a resumé has remained the same: to attract the attention of an employer so that you will secure a face-to-face interview and ultimately a job offer.

CLICK HERE to book your tune up. If, after receiving your resumé I determine your resumé is fine 'as is',  I will let you know and refund your fee.
Andrew:  My new resumé gave me a whole new outlook on my job search.  Not only is my new resume beautiful, but having another set of eyes helped to remind me that my experiences and accomplishments are valuable and worthwhile.  I'm already getting more interviews from my new resume and my new outlook!   - Darius -

Applicant Tracking Systems

One of the biggest complaints I hear from job seekers is that after applying for a job, they are ghosted by employers.  It is perhaps the most frustrating aspect of looking for a job!

Here's one of the big reasons:

There are many critical touch points you have in the job seeking process that will influence an employer's decision to interview and ultimately hire you.  Your resumé is the most critical opportunity to give a recruiter that 'ah-ha!' moment in your favor.

But did you know that often your resumés are being ranked not by a human, but by a computer?   That's right: a pre-programmed computer will rank you based on how your resumé is customized using specific keywords and phrases tied directly to the job posting.

Because of the proliferation of job boards, one job posting may result in hundreds of job candidates. As a consequence, recruiters will often manage the recruiting process using
an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), software that is programmed to scan and search resumés for keywords and phrases that are connected to the job posting itself.

And when an actual recruiter DOES read your resumé they will spend literally 20 seconds searching for a connection to relevant keywords, dates, companies, experiences and industries.  Any red flags on your resumé , no matter how minor (typos, breaks in chronology, irrelevant skills, etc.) that give the recruiter pause or requires a follow up will most likely mean you will not be considered.

Job seekers need a resumé that can be easily customized to each job posting with specific key words and phrases and specific experiences tied to the job posting requirements.  These are the job seekers that will make it through an ATS and will get a follow up interview that will ultimately lead to a job offer.

Andrew:  Thank you for my new resume!  After being ghosted time and time again, I am finally getting job interviews and today found out I am a finalist for a job I REALLY wanted!   I had no idea about the intricacies of  resumes and how you can design them to trigger a response from both an ATS and from recruiters.   - Caroline -

The AH Jobs List $249 Resumé Tune Up

CLICK HERE to book your resumé tune up.

I guarantee that your new resumé will give you pride and confidence.  It will result in more interviews and ultimately more job offers.

Here’s what’s included in the AH Jobs List $249 Resumé Tune Up:

An over-the-phone pre-resumé tune up interview.

A complete review and edit of your current resumé including:

a.      Catch and fix grammar, spelling, and formatting problems

b.      Edit and/or develop professional/qualifications summary

c.      Developing your personal brand phrases based on career achievements

d.      Optimizing your resumé with career/skills/industry-specific keywords

e.      Highlighting your job history with compelling ‘active language’ bullet points

f.        Easy-to-customize resumé formatting for ATS scanning and ranking success

3.)    A post- resumé tune up phone consultation to review your resumé and offer expert advice on your job search and how to easily customize your resumé to specific job postings.

If, after receiving your resumé I determine your resumé is fine 'as is',
I will let you know and refund your fee.

In advance, I look forward to working with you on your resumé and your job seeking goals.  If you have any questions, please email me at or contact me at 702-289-5877 (phone or text).

Best Wishes,


Published by Andrew Hudson's Jobs List, Inc.
5130 South Hanover Way   |   Englewood, CO  80111
T: 720-289-5877  |
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